Founded and chaired be Dr. Bravo, the FOUNDATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF RECONSTRUCTIVE PLASTIC SURGERY is a non-profit organization, that has all of its estate dedicated to the undergoing of the general interest goals described bellow.

Goals of the ADCPR Foundation:


To promote the advancement and development of reconstructive plastic surgery, in order to improve the quality of life of those individuals children or adults that due to congenital malformations, accidents or trauma, severe burns, infections, tumors, cancer or any other disease, suffer from facial disfigurement, body mutilations or functional and scar sequelae which such conditions may have produced.


In order to achieve the goals previously mentioned, the Foundation intends to carry out the following activities:


– It shall provide funding for the undertaking of research projects in reconstructive plastic surgery and for the adequate training and advancement in the professional knowledge necessary to diligently carry out the practice of the specialty.

– It shall organize and finance international scientific meetings of reconstructive plastic surgery specialists, in order to promote the direct exchange of knowledge that may allow the advancement of the specialty.

– It shall offer financial aid to institutes and units that carry out the activity of reconstructive plastic surgery and will promote the creation of bonds between such institutions and other ones with similar characteristics with recognized international prestige.

– It shall finance the cost of surgical procedures in reconstructive plastic surgery to those who might not have the necessary economic resources to be able to undertake them.

– It shall provide funding for the undertaking of public information campaigns about the work that specialists in reconstructive plastic surgeons carry out and about the severe psychological consequences that affect disfigured or mutilated patients in order to facilitate their social integration.

– It shall promote the activities carried out by other entities which may be similar or equal to those carried out by the Foundation itself.


The foundational goals of the Foundation are generically directed towards the following population groups: 

– Healthcare professionals whose activity may contribute to the advancement of the knowledge and techniques specific to reconstructive plastic surgery, as well as in the quality of care that patients requiring such procedures may receive.

– Patients suffering from facial or body deformity or mutilation, due to congenital malformations, accidents, trauma, burns, infections, tumors, cancer or any other condition and which may benefit through reconstructive plastic surgery.